The Surfing After Dark Fusker Collection Page

On the Fusker Collections tab of Surfing After Dark, you will find blocks of information about each of our fusker collections. The collections are publisher based such that each collection block describes a fusker collection associated with a specific adult content publisher. For example the following block describes the Member Area Fusker collection for Met-Art. According to the block, the collection was created with version 1.6 of Image Surfer Pro and links to 1 Million 9 thousand 1 hundred and 6 images. It was last updated on 12/16/2012 and is actively updated each week.

Capture of a collection block from the Surfing After Dark Fusker Collection page for the Met-Art Member Area Collection

The Image... Each collection block has an image which represents the publisher. Clicking on the image will take you to the history archive for the fusker collection. The history page lists the updates made to the collection over time. You can download update files for FREE!

Site Name && Collection Type... The header of each block gives you the name of the adult publisher and an abbreviation of the collection type (FHG or MA). The title will also connect you to the publisher's website where you can subscribe to their web service.

Shopping Cart... At the top right of each block you will find a check box which allows you to add the fusker collection to a shopping cart and a button to view your shopping cart selections. The full Surfing After Dark fusker collections are for sale to help us offset the cost of time and resources used to build and maintain them.

Description Box.... The text box in the center of each block provides a description of the fusker collection - including information about what might be in the full collection which is not available in the update files which are available for FREE.

Information Row... Under the description box specific information about each fusker collection is provided to help you understand exactly what the file for sale provides. You will want to make sure you have a version of Image Surfer Pro which can read the file and understand how often the file is updated and when it was last updated.

Downloading A Fusker Collection

You can down load a fusker collection file from the history page for the fusker collection you are looking for. Each fusker collection has a history page which can be reached by clicking the image for that fusker collection from the main Fusker Collections tab. For example, to reach the history page for the Met-Art member fusker collection click the image for Met-Art highlighted:

Cut out of the Met-Art row in the table from the Fusker Collections page with the Member's Only button highlighted

Once on the history page for the fusker collection each of the sexy images on the left side of the table will links to a specific fusker collection file described by the text in that row of the table. For example, the fusker collection file referencing 115 pictorials and 14,727 images for the August 2009 fusker collection update to the Met-Art Member's Only fusker collection can be down loaded by clicking the sexy picture of Natasha:

Cut out of the August 2009 Met-Art member fusker collection update from the Met-Art Member's Only fusker colleciton history page.

When you click on the Download link, a warning window will remind you to save the fusker collection rather than opening the file. Since this is a Member fusker collection you will also be reminded you need a Met-Art member account to access the images referenced by the fusker collection. After reading the warnings click "Okay" as highlighted in the following diagram.

Capture of the dialog which is generated when you click to download a fusker collection file

NOTE: In some cases Internet Explorer incorrectly interprets a fusker collection file as a text file and attempts to display the text as a webpage. This essentially fills your display window with garbage. You can right click the image and choose the "Save Target As..." option from the popup menu to avoid this issue.

Once you click Okay - the standard Internet Explorer download bar will appear at the bottom of your browser display window (when using IE9 or later). Choose the "Save As..." option to decide where you wish to save the fusker collection file. If you chose "Save" the file will be saved in your user account's downloads directory.

Screen capture of the Internet Explorer download bar appearing at the bottom of the display window

Once the download is complete, you may close the download window.

Screen capture of how the Intenet Explorer download bar appears when the download is complete

Opening A Fusker Collection

If you are opening a Member Area fusker collection file please first make sure you are logged on to the website. If you are unsure, please read Logging In To Your Subscription below first.

Once the file has been saved on your computer, you can use Image Surfer Pro to open the fusker collection and browse the images. To open the file use the "Open" option from the file operations menu on the Image Surfer Pro toolbar:

Cut out of the File Operations menu from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar with 'Open' highlighted.

Use the standard windows file browser to locate the file you saved. HINT: You can control where Image Surfer Pro first opens the file dialog by changing the "Default fusker collection Directory" setting in the user configuration.

When you locate the fusker collection file and open it, Image Surfer Pro may generate webpages to browse the fusker collection from top node in the fusker collection tree. This depends upon your user configuration (see Configuration below. If the images do not, you can use the View Collection button from the Image Surfer Pro tool bar Button on the Image Surfer Pro toolbar to build and display the fusker collection webpages.

The Image Surfer Pro progress window may cycle several times to load such a large fusker collection and build the viewing webpages, but when it is done the images will start to load. Your Internet Explorer should look something like the following (shown in full screen mode):

Screen capture of Image Surfer pro display of Met-Art member fusker collection.

With the "Guide" display configuration you may click on any image to see all of the images associated with that pictorial. Or you may expand the tree by double clicking on the fusker collection name and use the tree to browse individual image sequences as in the following example:

Screen capture of Image Surfer pro display of specific pictorial in Met-Art member fusker collection./>

Logging In To Your Subscription

Before opening a Member fusker collection file, be sure to log into the publisher's website prior to opening the fusker collection. You can use the home page link for the publisher on the Surfing After Dark page to access the publisher's homepage and log in. For example click on the collection block header highlighted in the following diagram to access Met-Art and log in.

Cut out from the Surfing After Dark home page where the Met-Art fusker collecitons are listed with the link to Met-Art highlighted.

NOTE: This is your membership to the publisher's website and not a Surfing After Dark membership. If you do not have a membership with the publisher, you can use the same link to website to get a membership. Each publisher will have alink on their homepage which allows you to subscribe. Typically, Surfing After Dark referrals through these links provide access to reduced subscription rates.

This is necessary, because when the Member fusker collection file is opened, Image Surfer Pro may immediately attempt to access the publisher's member content. If you have not logged in, this many requests in a row may deactivate your account for several minutes - see the Met-Art example for making this mistake below:

Screen capture of your IP Address being blocked by Met-Art.

Suggested User Configuration

Using the Tools & Settings button from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar Button on the Image Surfer Pro tool bar allows you to configure Image Surfer Pro for how you wish to use it. In general, your configuration will be different if your main purpose is to view Surfing After Dark fusker collections than if you wish to build your own fusker collections. This is because of the size of the Surfing After Dark fusker collections as well as the size of the images in those fusker collections.

Here we will focus on the Visualization Configuration settings. These are the settings on the Views Tab:

Screen capture of Image Surfer Pro user configuration dialog with suggested settings

We suggest turning off the Visualize fusker collection Upon Load option. This is because you may forget to log into the member site where you have subscribed before opening the fusker collection file, attempting to load hundreds of images before logging in may temporarily disable you account and will usually require you to kill the Internet Explorer application to extract yourself from numerous login popup windows.

We find it easier to remember to log in before selecting a visualization than before opening the file.

For the default visualizations, using Guide for the first two options makes more sense than Expanded for very large fusker collections. With small or even medium size fusker collections, scrolling through several pages of images can be quite enjoyable. However, where there are hundreds of thousands of images in the fusker collection, it is unlikely you will ever get to the bottom of the fusker collection in this manner. Using a Guide page to see the first image of every pictorial allows you to focus on the models that most interest you without having to browse the Image Surfer Pro tree.

While using the Image Surfer Pro tree is effective, we find that the way some Member sites are organized (such as Met-Art and FemJoy) that it is hard to determine which set you wish to view. This is not the case in some member areas the content is at least broken down by year, month, and day.

At the Image Sequence (or File) level, Expanded makes the most sense as you will probably want to scroll through all of the images associated with your selection. The directory level may depend upon the fusker collection you are viewing. In the case of the Met-Art Member Fusker Collection it would make sense to use the Expanded view if you click on an individual pictorial directory. In other collections the directories may be iterated or contain several pictorials at various levels and using the Guided view would be more appropriate.

The number of images to display on each type of page is primarily a matter of the computer resources you have. A modern computer with a fast internet connection, several gigabytes of memory, and a fast processor may be able to load hundreds of low resolution images on a single page with no issue. This is ideal for viewing the Free fusker collections. However, the Member fusker collections, are typically higher resolution images. We recommend a minimum computer configuration 2Gig and a screen resolution of 1920x1200 pixels (definition of HD 1080p). Even at this resolution, a single image from Met-Art or similar site will more than fill your screen. You will likely want to use the Internet Explorer zoom option to find a setting that places the images on the screen the way you want them. These images require a lot of memory to open and store, we recommend when viewing a Member fusker collection that you start with no more than 30 images per page, and see how well your computer handles the amount of data.

For a truly inspiring surfing experience step up to true 64Bit surfing - using Image Surfer Pro with a 64bit version of Internet Explorer (IE9 or later) on a 64bit Windows platform (Window 7 or later)! In this configuration the limit is strictly the amount of memory you have free and 8 to 16 Gig of memory will wow any surfer!

If you try to load more images than your computer can handle, Internet Explorer may appear to hang or become so slow to respond as to be unusable. Eventually, some of the images may not display at all, and you may wind up having to kill the Internet Explorer application.

Read the information about each Surfing After Dark fusker collection carefully, in most cases we will let you know what size the images are in the fusker collection and suggest a number of images per page for the fusker collection.

For Adult Surfers Only

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Website created by Surfing After Dark for Surfing After Dark, all rights reserved.
Any image content is the property of the associated publisher copyright and all other rights reserved.